Ignite Shop

This application was developed as challenge of Ignite program by RocketSeat. The Ignite Shop app is a simple example of a web application to purchasing multiple products using Stripe and NextJS

๐Ÿ’ป Overview


โœ… Features

  • List products created at Stripe

  • Add and remove items to cart

  • Buy cart items and pay using Stripe

๐Ÿ‘‰ Run project

Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, npm In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode.

# Copy enviroment variables
$ cp .env.example .env

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/KassiaMabily/ignite-shop.git

# go to the project folder
$ cd ignite-shop

# install dependencies
$ npm i

# run
$ npm run dev
